Scientific Projects
All-oxide epitaxial heterostructures for the generation and electric field control of topological spin textures, GEPRIS
Ionela Lindfors-Vrejoiu -
Amorphous ferrimagnets as a platform for antiferromagnetic-like DMI skyrmions, GEPRIS
Felix Büttner, Florin Radu -
Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions in ultra-thin oxide films, GEPRIS
Kirsten von Bergmann -
Antiskyrmions on surfaces by anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, GEPRIS
Jeison Fischer -
Atomic-scale skyrmions driven by lateral spin-polarized currents, GEPRIS
Stefan Krause -
Control of topological defects in space and time: Floquet skyrmionics, GEPRIS
Achim Rosch -
Controlled creation and dynamics of topological magnetic textures in ferro- and antiferromagnets, GEPRIS
Karin Everschor-Sitte, Olena Gomonay -
Current-induced motion of antiskyrmions in Heusler thin films, GEPRIS
Stuart Parkin -
Detection of skyrmion phases in spintronic materials using neutron scattering, GEPRIS
Dmytro Inosov -
Displaceable magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin films on superconductors for configurable Majorana state, GEPRIS
Yuriy Mokrousov, Wulf Wulfhekel -
Electric Control of Skyrmions and Antiskyrmions in Multiferroic Nanostructures and Epitaxial Films, GEPRIS
István Kézsmárki -
Emergent electrodynamics of topological spin textures, GEPRIS
Christian Pfleiderer -
Hybrid three-dimensional solitons for applications, GEPRIS
Nikolai S. Kiselev -
iAFMskyrmions - Intrinsic antiferromagnetic skyrmions from first-principles: stabilization, interaction with defects and efficient detection, GEPRIS
Samir Lounis -
Injection, motion, and interaction of magnetic skyrmions, GEPRIS
Jeffrey McCord, Markus Münzenberg, Konrad Waldorf -
Interface stabilized skyrmions in oxide structures for skyrmionics, GEPRIS
Stefan Blügel -
Magnetic skyrmions-bubble hybrids in nanolayers of metallic ferromagnets: interplay of the magnetodipolar and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, GEPRIS
Alexei N. Bogdanov -
Magneto-chiral transport effects of skyrmions, GEPRIS
Yuriy Mokrousov -
Magneto-Transport at Work: In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Topological Spin Solitons, GEPRIS
Bernd Rellinghaus, Andy Thomas -
Manipulation of single skyrmions and skyrmion clusters with electron currents, heat, microwaves, and magnons, GEPRIS
Christian Back -
Mesoscopic topological spin textures, spin and topological Hall effect in magnetic thin films and heterostructures, GEPRIS
Claudia Felser -
Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of current-driven magnetic skyrmions, GEPRIS
Wolfgang Häusler, Michael Thorwart -
Proximity-induced effects and novel functionalities in superconducting/ferromagnetic heterostructures with magnetic skyrmions, GEPRIS
Ilya Eremin -
Skyrmion spectroscopy in ferro- and antiferromagnets, GEPRIS
Philipp Pirro -
Skyrmions in antiferromagnetic and highly anisotropic environments, GEPRIS
Matthias Bode -
Skyrmions in confined spaces: A local-scale SPM analysis, GEPRIS
Lukas M. Eng -
Spin dynamics of hybrid skyrmion-magnon solitons, GEPRIS
Mathias Weiler -
Steering of Magnetic Skyrmions in Ion Beam Engineered Multilayer Films, GEPRIS
Markus Becherer -
Thermally excited Skyrmions: from individual to collective dynamics, GEPRIS
Mathias Kläui, Ulrich Nowak -
Topological magnetization dynamics in skyrmion materials, GEPRIS
Markus Garst -
Topological Nernst effect of individual skyrmions, GEPRIS
Hans-Werner Schumacher -
Topological spin structures beyond skyrmions from first-principles, GEPRIS
Stefan Heinze -
TOPSTONE - Topological Solitons In Frustrated Magnets, GEPRIS
Jairo Sinova, Ricardo Zarzuela
- Coordination funds, GEPRIS
Christian Pfleiderer